Rashtriya Samajik Utthan Parishad-Empowering Rural Society since 2016 Apply for the schemes and jobs Education Healthcare Livelihood & Women Empowerment Agriculture  & Environment
Rashtriya Samajik Utthan Parishad-Empowering Rural Society since 2016 Apply for the schemes and jobs Education Healthcare Livelihood & Women Empowerment Agriculture  & Environment

Livelihood &
Women Empowerment

 "Empowering Women's with Sustainable Livelihood"

Livelihood and women Empowerment

Poverty and the conditions that lead to it is dependent on a multitude of causes, ranging from economic and political to social and cultural. According to World Bank data, the global poverty rate has fallen steadily over the last 25 years. However, India is still grappling with the critical challenge of rural poverty that impact millions of Indians.

Rashtriya Samajik Utthan Parishad aims to create robust livelihood opportunities to enable households to earn more and lead healthier lives. 

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Livelihood & Woman Empowerment Initiatives

Livestock Development & Fisheries

One of the Rashtriya Samajik Utthan Parishad’s key thematic interventions under the Livelihoods portfolio is livestock and fisheries development. Supplementing unpredictable crop incomes through sustainable livestock systems can help reduce poverty, end hunger and improve the health of rural communities

Arts & Crafts

The art & crafts sector is the second-largest source of employment after agriculture. It is estimated that this sector employs over seven million families in India. With a potential for high employment and with great economic importance in terms of foreign exchange earnings, crafts play a significant role in the country’s economy.

Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion (FI) is the pursuit of making financial services accessible at affordable costs and it strives to address constraints that exclude people from participating in the financial sector.

Vocational Training

Rashtriya Samajik Utthan Parishad is one of the best NGO in India, In collaboration with couple of #Universities like Asian International University, Sikkim Skill University, Sikkim Professional University we provide the best vocational training by experts and experienced trainers.

Financial Education

We enabled community-driven organizations and experts for empowering women through Financial Education. Financial education enables the women and the community at large to gain from financial products and services and enhance their livelihoods.

Women benefited through Livestock Development program
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Studebnts impacted through Vocational Training program
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People benefited from Financial Inclusion program
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