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A challenge may seem impossible when faced alone. But when forces join hands, that challenge seems like an opportunity to realize every dream.
Working with Rashtriya Samajik Utthan Parishad offers your organization a chance to create meaningful, tangible change in the lives of hundreds of people around India. While our existing partners and donors have enabled us to create empowered community with your support and charity, we can reach every corner of our country.
With the right support, we will not only be able to extend education, healthcare, livelihood, agriculture related networks to almost the entire country but also ramp up production to support more communities in our existing areas of coverage.
As one of the most prominent Indian NGOs, Rashtriya Samajik Utthan Parishad focuses on serving education, healthcare, livelihood promotion, sanitation & hygiene, sustainable development to Indian communities.
Rashtriya Samajik Utthan Parishad makes an effort to raise economic growth, human development and quality of life of the communities through sustainable interventions under various Projects.
Every time you choose to give, you are helping a person or a community in need.
“An educated, healthy and socio-economically empowered society that live their lives fully with dignity, hopes and equal opportunities”
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