While more than 60% of India’s population is directly dependent on agriculture, its contribution to the country’s GDP is only 20%, indicating overdependence, unemployment and underemployment in the sector.
Bihar is one of the strongest agricultural states in the country. The percentage of population employed in agricultural production in Bihar is around 80%, which is much higher than the national average. It is the fourth largest producer of vegetables and the eight largest producers of fruits in India. Still the cultivators of Bihar are in more stress and it is declining by 13% decade after decade. On the other hand, the number of agricultural and other laborers is increasing.
With more than half the country's populations' direct dependence on this sector, we believe that there is a need to bring paradigm shift towards agriculture and its numerous tangible and intangible benefits.
RSUP’s farm activities include dairy, goat rearing, fishing and poultry. Dairy is introduced to develop an ecosystem around dairy farming and promote dairy as a sustainable livelihood option, which creates a steady revenue stream throughout the year for households.
RSUP Trust in association with other Govt. Organizations and private firms conducted/conducts farmer training program on various needs. For the good agriculture outputs, organization conducts soil and water testing programs that includes farmers training camps too.
Today the environment remains a big issue for the whole world. The speed at which trees are being cut and ground water is being used is a dangerous sign. RSUP Trust took these environmental issues seriously and started plantation and environment protection social awareness program in Arwal, Jehanabad and Gaya districts of Bihar.
The Vertical “Agriculture & Allied Services” aims for a transformation of agriculture, led by innovation, for improved nutrition and income of farmers, through sustainable as well as inclusive growth
Small and marginal farmers are the core of the Indian rural economy constituting 85% of the total farming community. Integrated farming system (IFS) is recognized as a solution to the continuous increase of demand for food production,
providing stability to the income and nutritional security particularly for the small and marginal farmers with limited resources. IFS is a mix of farm enterprises such as crop, livestock, aquaculture, poultry, sericulture and agro-forestry to achieve economic and sustained agricultural production through efficient utilization of resources.
Clean Rivers Campaign renews its global efforts to tackle litter and plastic pollution, now with a focus on how individuals can use both national and international laws to push for change.
Thousands of trees were planted under the “Integrated Farming & Environment”
The Vertical “Farmer’s Training & Support” aims to train and support farmers in different ways to enhance the overall efficiency and productivity of farming.
“An educated, healthy and socio-economically empowered society that live their lives fully with dignity, hopes and equal opportunities”
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