Rashtriya Samajik Utthan Parishad-Empowering Rural Society since 2016 Apply for the schemes and jobs Education Healthcare Livelihood & Women Empowerment Agriculture  & Environment
Rashtriya Samajik Utthan Parishad-Empowering Rural Society since 2016 Apply for the schemes and jobs Education Healthcare Livelihood & Women Empowerment Agriculture  & Environment

Agriculture &

“Plant a Tree, Grow a Future”

Agriculture & Environment

While more than 60% of India’s population is directly dependent on agriculture, its contribution to the country’s GDP is only 20%, indicating overdependence, unemployment and underemployment in the sector.

Bihar is one of the strongest agricultural states in the country. The percentage of population employed in agricultural production in Bihar is around 80%, which is much higher than the national average. It is the fourth largest producer of vegetables and the eight largest producers of fruits in India. Still the cultivators of Bihar are in more stress and it is declining by 13% decade after decade. On the other hand, the number of agricultural and other laborers is increasing.

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Agriculture Empowerment Initiatives

Agriculture & Allied Services

The Vertical “Agriculture & Allied Services” aims for a transformation of agriculture, led by innovation, for improved nutrition and income of farmers, through sustainable as well as inclusive growth

Integrated Farming & Environment

Small and marginal farmers are the core of the Indian rural economy constituting 85% of the total farming community. Integrated farming system (IFS) is recognized as a solution to the continuous increase of demand for food production,

Farmer’s Training & Support

The Vertical “Farmer’s Training & Support” aims to train and support farmers in different ways to enhance the overall efficiency and productivity of farming.


Farmers benefited through Agriculture & Allied Services program
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Farmers impacted through Integrated Farming & Environment program
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Farmers benefited from Farmer’s Training & Support program
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